Monday 8 September 2014

Cristiana Pegoraro in Regina Sept. 18!

Christiana Pegoraro, a classical pianist, will be in Regina for a concert at Darke Hall on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 7 pm. She’ll be playing the beautiful Fazioli piano.

Ms. Pegoraro is on tour and the event is generously sponsored by the Italian Consulate (admission to the concert is free). The Conservatory has donated the hall and the use of the piano. The University would also like to use the event to raise awareness about the future renovation plans to the College Avenue Campus and Darke Hall. The University plans to invite many of its key supporters to the event.

The Italian Club is chartering a bus to transport people from the Italian Club to Darke Hall. If you are interested in going with the group please call the Italian Club for further details. Everyone is invited!

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